Please click here to print and fill out the Independent Home Study Application packet.
- Family partnership with credentialed Independent Home Study teacher
- Access to California Standards-based curriculum
- Family meetings with Independent Home Study teacher to create a learning plan and to check out instructional resources
- Family meetings are held on Wednesdays at a mutually agreed upon time.
- Student work is reviewed and samples selected for portfolio
- Network with other homeschooling families throughout Sonoma County
- Enrichment and lesson extension options provided weekly
Unique Program Elements TK – 6th Grade
- Day on Campus (optional) 10:00 to 2:00 Wednesdays where all homeschool students come to our classroom for a day of school that includes: Guided writing instruction, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities, group and partner projects, school library visits, art lessons, critical thinking and problem solving skill development activities, arts and crafts, and outdoor play
- Music programs as offered by Mark West Union School District are also available to our students
- Information regarding field trips, local activities and learning events, enrichment classes, and home learning extension ideas provided
Unique Program Elements 7th and 8th Grade
- Full-Time Independent Home Study
- Home school for academic core classes and attend elective classes
- Attend school sponsored field trips
- Competitive sports team participation